vertical exaggeration: x | |
sun elevation: ° | |
sun azimuth: ° |
Calculate shaded relief from elevation data
This example uses a ol/source/Raster
to generate data
based on another source. The raster source accepts any number of
input sources (tile or image based) and runs a pipeline of
operations on the input data. The return from the final
operation is used as the data for the output source.
In this case, a single tiled source of elevation data is used as input.
The shaded relief is calculated in a single "image" operation. By setting
operationType: 'image'
on the raster source, operations are
called with an ImageData
object for each of the input sources.
Operations are also called with a general purpose data
In this example, the sun elevation and azimuth data from the inputs above
are assigned to this data
object and accessed in the shading
operation. The shading operation returns an array of ImageData
objects. When the raster source is used by an image layer, the first
object returned by the last operation in the pipeline
is used for rendering.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Shaded Relief</title>
<!-- The line below is only needed for old environments like Internet Explorer and Android 4.x -->
<script src=",Element.prototype.classList,URL"></script>
.map {
width: 100%;
table.controls td {
text-align: center;
padding: 2px 5px;
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
<table class="controls">
<td>vertical exaggeration: <span id="vertOut"></span>x</td>
<td><input id="vert" type="range" min="1" max="5" value="1"/></td>
<td>sun elevation: <span id="sunElOut"></span>°</td>
<td><input id="sunEl" type="range" min="0" max="90" value="45"/></td>
<td>sun azimuth: <span id="sunAzOut"></span>°</td>
<td><input id="sunAz" type="range" min="0" max="360" value="45"/></td>
<script src="index.js"></script>
import 'ol/ol.css';
import Map from 'ol/Map';
import View from 'ol/View';
import {Image as ImageLayer, Tile as TileLayer} from 'ol/layer';
import {OSM, Raster, XYZ} from 'ol/source';
* Generates a shaded relief image given elevation data. Uses a 3x3
* neighborhood for determining slope and aspect.
* @param {Array<ImageData>} inputs Array of input images.
* @param {Object} data Data added in the "beforeoperations" event.
* @return {ImageData} Output image.
function shade(inputs, data) {
var elevationImage = inputs[0];
var width = elevationImage.width;
var height = elevationImage.height;
var elevationData =;
var shadeData = new Uint8ClampedArray(elevationData.length);
var dp = data.resolution * 2;
var maxX = width - 1;
var maxY = height - 1;
var pixel = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var twoPi = 2 * Math.PI;
var halfPi = Math.PI / 2;
var sunEl = Math.PI * data.sunEl / 180;
var sunAz = Math.PI * data.sunAz / 180;
var cosSunEl = Math.cos(sunEl);
var sinSunEl = Math.sin(sunEl);
var pixelX, pixelY, x0, x1, y0, y1, offset,
z0, z1, dzdx, dzdy, slope, aspect, cosIncidence, scaled;
for (pixelY = 0; pixelY <= maxY; ++pixelY) {
y0 = pixelY === 0 ? 0 : pixelY - 1;
y1 = pixelY === maxY ? maxY : pixelY + 1;
for (pixelX = 0; pixelX <= maxX; ++pixelX) {
x0 = pixelX === 0 ? 0 : pixelX - 1;
x1 = pixelX === maxX ? maxX : pixelX + 1;
// determine elevation for (x0, pixelY)
offset = (pixelY * width + x0) * 4;
pixel[0] = elevationData[offset];
pixel[1] = elevationData[offset + 1];
pixel[2] = elevationData[offset + 2];
pixel[3] = elevationData[offset + 3];
z0 = data.vert * (pixel[0] + pixel[1] * 2 + pixel[2] * 3);
// determine elevation for (x1, pixelY)
offset = (pixelY * width + x1) * 4;
pixel[0] = elevationData[offset];
pixel[1] = elevationData[offset + 1];
pixel[2] = elevationData[offset + 2];
pixel[3] = elevationData[offset + 3];
z1 = data.vert * (pixel[0] + pixel[1] * 2 + pixel[2] * 3);
dzdx = (z1 - z0) / dp;
// determine elevation for (pixelX, y0)
offset = (y0 * width + pixelX) * 4;
pixel[0] = elevationData[offset];
pixel[1] = elevationData[offset + 1];
pixel[2] = elevationData[offset + 2];
pixel[3] = elevationData[offset + 3];
z0 = data.vert * (pixel[0] + pixel[1] * 2 + pixel[2] * 3);
// determine elevation for (pixelX, y1)
offset = (y1 * width + pixelX) * 4;
pixel[0] = elevationData[offset];
pixel[1] = elevationData[offset + 1];
pixel[2] = elevationData[offset + 2];
pixel[3] = elevationData[offset + 3];
z1 = data.vert * (pixel[0] + pixel[1] * 2 + pixel[2] * 3);
dzdy = (z1 - z0) / dp;
slope = Math.atan(Math.sqrt(dzdx * dzdx + dzdy * dzdy));
aspect = Math.atan2(dzdy, -dzdx);
if (aspect < 0) {
aspect = halfPi - aspect;
} else if (aspect > halfPi) {
aspect = twoPi - aspect + halfPi;
} else {
aspect = halfPi - aspect;
cosIncidence = sinSunEl * Math.cos(slope) +
cosSunEl * Math.sin(slope) * Math.cos(sunAz - aspect);
offset = (pixelY * width + pixelX) * 4;
scaled = 255 * cosIncidence;
shadeData[offset] = scaled;
shadeData[offset + 1] = scaled;
shadeData[offset + 2] = scaled;
shadeData[offset + 3] = elevationData[offset + 3];
return {data: shadeData, width: width, height: height};
var elevation = new XYZ({
url: 'https://{a-d}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
crossOrigin: 'anonymous'
var raster = new Raster({
sources: [elevation],
operationType: 'image',
operation: shade
var map = new Map({
target: 'map',
layers: [
new TileLayer({
source: new OSM()
new ImageLayer({
opacity: 0.3,
source: raster
view: new View({
extent: [-13675026, 4439648, -13580856, 4580292],
center: [-13615645, 4497969],
minZoom: 10,
maxZoom: 16,
zoom: 13
var controlIds = ['vert', 'sunEl', 'sunAz'];
var controls = {};
controlIds.forEach(function(id) {
var control = document.getElementById(id);
var output = document.getElementById(id + 'Out');
control.addEventListener('input', function() {
output.innerText = control.value;
output.innerText = control.value;
controls[id] = control;
raster.on('beforeoperations', function(event) {
// the object will be passed to operations
var data =;
data.resolution = event.resolution;
for (var id in controls) {
data[id] = Number(controls[id].value);
"name": "shaded-relief",
"dependencies": {
"ol": "6.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"parcel": "1.11.0"
"scripts": {
"start": "parcel index.html",
"build": "parcel build --experimental-scope-hoisting --public-url . index.html"