--- layout: example.html title: Filtering features with WebGL shortdesc: Using WebGL to filter large quantities of features docs: > This example shows how to use `ol/layer/WebGLPoints` with a literal style to dynamically filter a large amount of point geometries. The above map is based on a dataset from the NASA containing 45k recorded meteorite landing sites. Each meteorite is marked by a circle on the map (the bigger the circle, the heavier the object). A pulse effect has been added, which is slightly offset by the year of the impact. Adjusting the sliders causes the objects outside of the date range to be filtered out of the map. This is done by mutating the variables in the `style` object provided to the WebGL layer. Also note that the last snippet of code is necessary to make sure the map refreshes itself every frame. tags: "webgl, icon, sprite, filter, feature" experimental: true ---