--- layout: example.html title: Icon Sprites with WebGL shortdesc: Rendering many icons with WebGL docs: > This example shows how to use `ol/layer/WebGLPoints` to render a very large amount of sprites. The above map is based on a dataset from the National UFO Reporting Center: each icon marks a UFO sighting according to its reported shape (disk, light, fireball...). The older the sighting, the redder the icon. A very simple sprite atlas is used in the form of a PNG file containing all icons on a grid. Then, the `style` object given to the `ol/layer/WebGLPoints` constructor is used to specify which sprite to use according to the sighting shape. The dataset contains around 80k points and can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com/NUFORC/ufo-sightings tags: "webgl, icon, sprite, point, ufo" experimental: true cloak: - key: pk.eyJ1IjoidHNjaGF1YiIsImEiOiJjaW5zYW5lNHkxMTNmdWttM3JyOHZtMmNtIn0.CDIBD8H-G2Gf-cPkIuWtRg value: Your Mapbox access token from https://mapbox.com/ here ---