--- layout: example.html title: Layer Min/Max Resolution shortdesc: Show/hide layers depending on current view resolution. docs: >

Zoom in twice: the MapBox layer should hide and the OSM layer should be shown.

If you continue to zoom in, you'll see the OSM layer also disappear.

The rendering of the layers are here controlled using minResolution and maxResolution options.

tags: "minResolution, maxResolution, resolution" cloak: - key: pk.eyJ1IjoiYWhvY2V2YXIiLCJhIjoiY2pzbmg0Nmk5MGF5NzQzbzRnbDNoeHJrbiJ9.7_-_gL8ur7ZtEiNwRfCy7Q value: Your Mapbox access token from https://mapbox.com/ here ---