Base class for implementing loaders.
[page:LoadingManager manager] — The [page:LoadingManager loadingManager] for the loader to use. Default is [page:LoadingManager THREE.DefaultLoadingManager].
Creates a new [name].
The crossOrigin string to implement CORS for loading the url from a different domain that allows CORS. Default is *anonymous*.
The [page:LoadingManager loadingManager] the loader is using. Default is [page:DefaultLoadingManager].
The base path from which the asset will be loaded. Default is the empty string.
The base path from which additional resources like textures will be loaded. Default is the empty string.
This method needs to be implement by all concrete loaders. It holds the logic for loading the asset from the backend.
This method needs to be implement by all concrete loaders. It holds the logic for parsing the asset into three.js entities.
[page:String crossOrigin] — The crossOrigin string to implement CORS for loading the url from a different domain that allows CORS.
[page:String path] — Set the base path for the asset.
[page:String resourcePath] — Set the base path for dependent resources like textures.
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]